Hike: The White Roc

The Loop of the Belvédère of the Rocher Blanc is an itinerary that takes place mainly in the forest.
Difficulté Walkers/hikers, Level black - very hard
Distance 13 km
Durée 5h00
Commune de départ Faverges-Seythenex
Dénivelé positif 500 m
Dénivelé négatif 1200 m
Englannaz 74210 Faverges-Seythenex



All year round.


Free access.

Animals accepted

Animals accepted


1/ From the carpark, take the path that climbs into the forest in direction of Prafeu,Then go onto a section of tarmac road, cross a small meadow, and follow a forest track up to the Marteloscope site.
2/ The path continues to climb steeply to the Montangelier cross roads where you can take a detour to see the "bear pit". Follow the forest track which ascends on your left, until the slope is too steep and continue on a path which zigzags to the clearing before arriving to the Belvedere of the White Roc.
3/ Go on a path in the direction of the rising sun, after crossing the 4x4 track that goes up to the Servaz mountain pasture. You will discover the pistes of the Sambuy and the village of Seythenex.
4/ Continue downhill to Montangelier where you can either take the path back to the car park or carry on the walk passing through the barns and the old houses of Englannaz.

Photo gallery

You will learn what the Marteloscopeis, discover a bear pit, enjoy a nice viewpoint on Lake Annecy, the Golf of Giez, the marshes, the agricultural plain, the perched villages... and of another viewpoint on the Sambuy and other summits of the Sources of Lake Annecy.